Naruto And Goku Fusion Characters Goruto with Super Saiyan and 4th great plus form.Vegeta SSB Evolution have Amazing Final Flash attack like Anime. Vegeta:- You will see Vegeta Base and SSB Evolution form with 3 Super Attacks.Fused Zamasu with real Anime attacks and Voice effects.Jiren:- Base form only with Eye Attack because Jiren is beta.You will also see 3 Super Attacks of Black Goku.

Black Goku:- You will see Black Goku Base and Rose with Amazing Anime attacks.Xeno Goku:- You will see Xeno Goku only with SSJ5 form.Goku Mastered Ultra Instinct have 4 Super Attacks with Amazing Voice effects.

Movie Goku have 3 Super Attacks First Kamehameha Second SSJ Goku Kamehameha and Third is very amazing Dragon Fist Attack of Super Saiyan 3 Goku.